March 9th, 2010 at 02:39 pm
Last night the hubster got a call at the house. He had requested an email for information from a college and was not expecting a call from them.
Seems the hubster has been looking at attending a couple of colleges out of state. It is a 12 hour drive from where we live and I work (as long as there is not an accident which can cause hour delays, or it being peak driving hours). Once the can of worms was opened while talking about the college he also mentioned looking into housing.
My husband KNOW I will not move to the city these colleges are located in as it is a HUGE city and I hate driving in cities where if you break down on the highway you have to get out of your car ASAP and get to the shoulder or your are going to get creamed by the next car. I have a 6 year old still in a booster seat, that is not an easy task.
I did not hear the whole story; I was upstairs and my husband is hard of hearing so he tends to talk LOUD but I did catch him asking since he would have to put in some time to the part time job in our town that would pay part of the cost he asked if it would be a problem him coming home every four weeks or so.
My husband had been going to college for computers, well he was first going for a certificate BUT after two semesters of classes that will not transfer he realized it would be better to go the degree route and started over, well now 3 and a half years from a degree he wants to be a cheif and intern in Spain or France. All I can say is I saw this coming and he never sees anything through so I am not sure if I can support him in this dream.
Well if he thinks I am going to do all the household stuff and pay for him to try for a third time to go to school he has another thing coming. I have to work the job I have in order for him to be able to attend school without working and he knows it so I know he had no intention of asking us to go with. It is not possible when you look at the fact it would take me a full day to drive from there to work and back and that includes no work time.
It is time to start tracking down a lawyer. Why is it so scary to make the first step? I am tired of supporting him and I think he is tired of my high expectation of him that he cant meet. It is just not in his nature to work a full time job, he gets the most pleasure out of life working just enough to get by and then spending all remaining time with Friends or on computers or video games.
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Personal Finance,
To Do
March 8th, 2010 at 02:58 pm
Hoping to shake loose the cobwebs.
I am so tired from working this weekend. I am also hungry; I would love to treat myself to a McDonalds breakfast.
I know that is so bad to think I deserve a $4 Breakfast meal as a treat on the MONDAY after pulling a 62 hour week last week and two more days until I can take a day off.
My fingers are crossed on getting Wednesday off because we are about to get crazy busy working 12 hour days with no days off. PS did I mention I am salery. So all this extra time is FREE for my employer.
I do get paid VERY WELL for what I do even if once every month or so I have to pull 65 hour weeks. And occasionally have to pull 12 hour days without a day off. Like I said I work with Emergency Services so it is not like it is not an Emergency causing me to have work these shifts....LOL little office humor.
My Husband posted an ad for our Entertainment Center. I hope it sells!! Tonight I need to clear off MY 6 foot folding table and move it into the basment and put plastic over it. I want to let my husband use it as a work space so he can do more staining at one time. Staining is a long process since you have to let it dry between coats and some need 3 or 4 coats of stain before poly. So if I could get more work space for him it would cut down on how long it would take before the contracter can come back and install the wood and shelves.
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To Do
March 3rd, 2010 at 03:17 pm
Yesterday I cleaned...I set my telephone to chime at 6:30pm since we would be done with dinner and just doing whatever.
I had the hubster sign the dental form, which I faxed this morning! Wahoo I am adding that to my passive income - extra income page because it is saving $45 per month for 6 months.
I then completed the order form for his checks, he will mail today!
I then set the microwave timer for fifteen minutes and cleaned!! I got one box packed up that was in the livingroom and put away some gift bags. Then I went downstairs and mopped the floor in the family room. It was not so bad because once I started I really did not feel like I had to stop. It is getting started.
I plan to set my phone for 6:30pm again today and I will clean for 15 minutes, if I want to stop after 15 minutes I will stop but if I want to keep going I will. Today I need to fold and put away the clean laundry! I might stop after 15 minutes because I hate laundry!
When I was done cleaning I was thinking of this blog because it was where I got the 15 minute suggestion and so I started going through my mypoints, and the two pay for reading ads email accounts. I had like 600 waiting for my in my polls/email earning email account so I need to do some more tonight.
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To Do
March 2nd, 2010 at 06:09 pm
Okay I now I am putting the cart before the horse. I just like to plan ahead instead of looking back and saying I should have done that. The Story is if we sell the house for what the insurance value is then my share of the profit would be $38,719.20. We could get more but then we could get less. But better to plan lots of good things and make a few happen and be left with future saving goals then to not plan and to SPEND.
The amount referenced takes into effect the off the top deduction of money going to our sons college fund. See when I first went back to work after having our son my aunt babysat for us for FREE; the deal was we would use the money to save for our sons future, sons college, pay off our debt or save for a house down payment.
We had NO debt so we saved as much of the saved amount as we could part of it for our son and part for the house down payment. Once we got to the house closing we barrowed that money from our son since technically she did say house down payment.
Well now that the house is being sold and we are going to rent for a while, the first cut of the profits goes to repaying the Aunty Daycare saved $ into a college 529 account.
Then the remainder will be split between the husbter and I. My share should be $38,719.20.
I am planning:
$5000 Roth IRA Me
$6000 CD for Braces for SON
$5000 Money for 529 (want to pay in full now a 4yr community college cost then let ride until college so the gains are basically the cost of college increases)
$18,000 Emergency Fund
??? $4719.20 ???
If you were debt free and came across this Money how would you spend it.
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Personal Finance,
To Do