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Running Numbers

April 8th, 2010 at 01:46 pm

I am running numbers, and my husbands take home should be $672.20 per month after taxes and taking out Child Support for his two other children. This seems low BUT that is 8K a year so more than poverty level. (It will go up by close to 3K per month once certain non-taxable income start kicking in).

I am not sure how to have the lawyer address the housing situation. YES I want stop living with him ASAP but until we sell the house technically it is half his. It would be much easier if he would just move and answer one of those roomate wanted ads or get an effecentcy appartment which in our area are $240-$365 per month. But I am not sure what he will want to do, who knows it could take months for it to be finalized and then renting for one month is silly (unless we have the house already sold).

Also Part of the $ above is money I will be paying him this summer to watch our child (since he will only be working 5p-9p Mon-Fri. It would be easier to continue the daycare situation if we are sharing the house because then our son could sleep in and just be a kid (until the house sells).

I plan on sitting down with him this coming Tuesday. I am going to say we need to come up with an agreement since he is moving out of state in August for school. Even though we have been functioning like roommates for years, it will still be a surprize I think.

House Update, Martial Assets, and Job Update

April 7th, 2010 at 06:51 pm

The realtors came in groups yesterday to walk through our house. Atleast 15 realtors came. Last night we got a call from one asking if she could show it to a client so off we went to McDonalds for dinner and so Little Guy could play while we waited for the call back that they were done.

Basically the couple was close to closing on another property BUT the realtor wanted to show them our house first. The realtor called back and said their only complant was that we have all lammenent flooring and they would like wall to wall carpet. Oh well it was only day one, plus we did all lamentant for us (allergies), we do have carpet on the stairs. The carpet on the stairs was new when we closed on the purchase in Feb 2007. Man does it need to be shampooed or replaced. If we would have done carpet it would all have to be replaced before listing so it was money well spent.
Marital Assets, the lawyer gave we a packet and part of that is the division of the marital assets. So today I worked on the list. I was only going to list the big items BUT I desided to list as much as I could think of. I think once we start putting names next to stuff and my husband sees all the stuff with his name on it he might be more reasonable.

Yes I even listed his JRR Tolken Book Collection, Stephen King Collection, Magic the gathering Cards, XBox360 and his riffs role playing books. I would not want them BUT they do have martial value.


My husband got his job back, he starts Monday the 12th. He works 5pm-9pm Mon-Fri. So that is good news because he will be bringing in gross $800 per month and because he will have more money to live off of.

Today I closed the joint checking account, so that is done. The only joint things we have left are the house, truck and his car.

How to bring up the subject...I want a divorce

April 6th, 2010 at 08:53 pm

Well met with the lawyer today. I guess I was suppose to complete the marital property worksheet and parenting plan with my STBX before this meeting. I completed it but it was suppose to be a agreed on division not a here is my idea lets counter.

So I need to sit down bring up the topic and find out what he wants to do with the marital property and custody then return it to the lawyer with a $500 payment then they will complete the paperwork and STBX signs and then I pay the last $500 and they file.

I am so tired of his rages! Okay now that the house is on the market he is happy. So do I make him upset by bringing it up now or wait a few days. But I know he needs to be in a good mood or it will not go well.

I guess I will take the papers home with me and if a opportunity presents itself I will bring them out.

On a positive note he got his job back so he is now earning $1169 pre tax 935.20 take home per month so after child support his net available for fun/bills is 256.20.

I think I will suggest he live in the house rent free until the house sells or his disability payments start. Once the house sells or his disability payments start he will have the money to rent an apartment or can start paying part of the household bills. I think this is fair IF he still agrees to the 60/40 split of the house profits.

Man Why do I try to rescue over and over!!!???

A little of this and that!

April 6th, 2010 at 02:30 pm

Last night was a night of doing alot of little things. Today is the realtors walk through and pictures. The house is as clean as it is going to get for the time being.

I spent 61 hours cleaning over the last four days and I am burnt out. I still have some things I want to do but I have to stop. I need to relax and recharge and just focus on getting up earlier each morning so I can touch up all the rooms before I leave for work. The only area left that I would consider a disaster is the garage; everything else is clean I just would like to get it more organized as the month progresses.

I have to work this weekend but I have next weekend off and will work on it then. As far as until that weekend my misson is to just keep the clutter from forming.

Last night I through all my clean clothes into bags and put them in my car, which is currently at work. Yep my solution to the laundry I did not have time to fold and put away was to put it in my car (sort of a mobile suitcase).

Wish me luck, hopeing to sell before April 31st - That would give the buyer the tax credit. And that would give us a very quick sell.
Today I go to see the lawyer, I am as ready as I am going to be. I wonder if she is going to advise me to wait until the STBX has the job situation ironed out and the house is sold?

Tuesday April 6th is a BIG day!!!

April 5th, 2010 at 05:18 pm

We signed our realtor and so I have been cleaning the house since Thursday Night, I have been putting in 12-14 hours a day cleaning.

Tuesday the realtor will be stopping by with the big sign for the front yard, the lock box for the key, and to take pictures for publication and of course to have the first realtor tours!!!!

Our list price is 214,900. She said 210-220 is where we should be and asked if we had a favorite/lucky number and well the 14th is the day my son was born. so 214,900 it is. My husband was fine with it I guess me quoting 205K, 209K, 199K for weeks as things came up (new tax value, rebuild insurance amount, magazine guess) that he realized 259K was a bit high and even 205K brings in a nice profit.

I need to sweep out the garage and spray the winter sand out of it. I need to move the truck to the street so that the garage looks BIGGER! I also need to reclean the kitchen and touch up the bathrooms. I have a ton laundry to fold BUT due to time constrants I am going to pack up my clean laundry in garbage bags and fill my car (mobile suitcase).

As I packed up I located all the manuals for the appliances so I have created a 3 ring binder of the manuals in those clear sleeves.


Tuesday while this is going down I have my appointment with the laywer. I have my info packet completed, the tax returns for the last two years, and the most resent pay statement to show year to date earnings. I even started the parenting plan. I cant wait to not be at the receiving end of his rage.


After failing to find other work my husband finally is going to ask for his old job back; today at 12:30. I have my fingers crossed as he has waited a long time. So I should know soon!

$55 per month added to my monthly bills!

April 1st, 2010 at 07:42 pm

Yep today I went and got a storage unit. I want to get as much stuff out of the house as possible before the realtor desides to start taking pictures for listing and for walk throughs.

I figure in this case it is a case of spending money to make money. Once everything is out of the house it is easy to convince my husband we really do not need it. I mean it is in storage we are not using is so it could go into a rummage sale right????

I am super busy until summer so I am thinking that maybe I will have a summer rummage sale; either at my grandmothers, at my cousins or at our house. But truthfully I hope the house is sold by then.

The positive side is now that the storage unit is gotten and I am going to start loading it my STBX is thinking that the projects he wanted to do should get done. WAHHOOO!

I have to give 30 days notice so depending on the situation it will cost me a minimum of $165 (this months, plus 30 days notice and the time between).

On a side note If later when things start rolling with the lawyers; stuff will be in storage so I will not have to worry about getting rid of something that later the STBX claims he cant live without and I am dealing with that.

I know so many people say if you are renting a storage unit to store stuff it is BAD but in my case, I think it is worth it.
#1 A decluttered house will sell faster
#2 I cant get rid of things since I am going through a divorce and if I get rid of anything it could be bad
#3 If stuff is in a storage unit it will make it easier to part with it once I can (see item #2)

Have a great weekend, oh yeah my weekend starts in two hours because I took tomorrow off.

The realtor called; adventures in money management

April 1st, 2010 at 01:32 pm

The realtor called back last night. So this means that I cleaned the kitchen. Last night I took a Mr. Clean Magic Eraser to the appliances and the fronts of the countertop. I love my Mr. Clean Magic Eraser.

The Kitchen is looking GOOD, well as good as it can with needing a new countertop. The guy to come measure the countertop is suppose to call today at the latest to schedule a visit within 5 days of the call. So hopefully we can give the realtor a ballpark on when the countertop will be done.

The rest of the house is a MESS, so nothing like motivation to get the ball rolling. I have until 11am on Friday to get this house Sparkly CLEAN. I am going to pull an all nighter. It will be done.

I am going to go rent a storage unit on my lunch hour today, hopefully I can get some things moved to the storage unit tonight. I plan to put stuff in, get the house sold quickly; and if once the house is clean I will work the items out of storage into a rummage sale like I planned.


My husbands first deposit into his new account was suppose to go through today, well it is only 8am and he is at the bank being an ass because the money is not there. The teller told him it could be two days before the deposit goes through.

I am thinking it will show up later today or as a pending for tomorrow. Not a big deal for me as I normally pay bills so I know these things happen and you have to learn how direct deposits affect your account before you can get into a rhythem.

My husband is crazed because it is the first and he used to get his allowance and his gas money on the first. He claims he needs gas money but I know he is itching for his FUN money.

I have been trying to let him figure out his problems but rather than deal with it I said "Honey, why dont you use your credit card to buy gas?" "Then tonight or tommorrow when the deposit posts you can go online and pay the charge". Surprizingly his answer was "you can do that?"

Yeah gonna show him the art of paying a credit card online, but once he opens his online account he is going to see his "Concert Money" sitting there in his savings account and hopefully he doesn't burn through it before the concert/college road trip.


Today I need to call the school, I hate how whenever they do any kind of fund raiser it takes FOREVER for a check to clear. We wrote a check on the 17th of March and it still has not cleared. I am going to ask IF they have processed it or if they are holding it until they have all the checks for the yearbooks. If they are holding it I am going to ask to swap out the check. That check is the last check I am waiting on clearing before I can close the joint checking account.

I have desided to close the account and then get the remaining money and then we can use the cash to pay the bills, or we can use our credit card to pay the bill and then deposit the cash into our individual checking account which we will use to pay our individual credit cards.


Asked my husband to see his former employer today about getting his job back, if nothing else until he starts a different job. Murphys law is once you take that first job other offers come in and so that would be win win! Hopefully he will remember today since he has a doctors appointment this morning and the rest of the day free.

Busy Day - Husband flipped out

March 31st, 2010 at 08:39 pm

Yesterday I requested the documents from a divorce lawyer. I finished completing them today. All I need to do is collect the last two years tax statements.
After completing the parenting plan today what do I see that my husband posted on Facebook:

I found this on Facebook
XXXXXXXXXXXX 's kitchen table is a coupon clipping nightmare. really? what great organizational skills you have. now i cant find the gift card for Papa Johns to have a pizza. if it is not one thing it is the next. when will it end. i know when it will end, but if i say it then people will say i am suicidal. and you know how everyone is looking out for everybody but them selves. MIND YOUR OWN F$%^ING BUSINES.

So I did it; I called and made the appointment. I meet with the lawyer on the 6th at 1:30pm.

Last Night I found he posted this on his Facebook:

XXXXXXXXXXXX the new age of me begins tonite.

When I got home his car was in the garage but he was not home and he would not answer his phone. Then later that night when he got home he was mean and was avoiding me. Was thinking he found out about me talking to a lawyer or he was still mad about the spliting of the bills thing, but I am guessing from the post this morning he did not find out about the lawyer because technically he would not have to deal with me, thus is frustration with me would have ended.

I am really shaky about starting this but I dont think I have much of a choice, after he came home from the last long term out of state job he had anger issues and this round they seem worse so I need to get out and get out now.

On a financial front I have two checks to clear before I can close the joint checking account. Then that leave the house, truck and his car in both our names.

I also called and left a message with a realtor I would like to use about calling me so that I can list our house. I plan to move any of my and my sons extra things into my grandmothers basement to clear out the house for listing. I am planning a rummage sale for the 17th but depending on how it goes with the realtor I might skip it and just plan a rummage sale for later.

House Value Down :o(

March 29th, 2010 at 06:33 pm

I was looking over a real estate magazine this weekend.

I wanted to see if I could find some houses to compare to our so I could get a rough guess of the value.

I was thinking and hoping for $209K since we decided to sell. My husband swears the value is $259K. After looking at the magazine I think we are actually closer to 199K. I would really like 209K but I think 199K is probubly much more likely.

Sadly I am not going to want to hear what my husband says to the realtor when she says 199K or lower since he is so sure the house is worth 259K and going to sell within days.

Me I was thinking 209K and possibly taking months. I just wanted it sold before August.

We will see once we list. I want to have the house in listing condition before we contact the realtor but of course my husband is antzy so as soon as the broken countertop is replaced we will call.

Okay Correction I will call.

Need to have a rummage sale NEXT weekend

March 29th, 2010 at 05:52 pm

Well My husband had a fit again this morning wondering when I was going to call a realtor. So I told him not until the countertop is installed.

His answer was I had Thursday off last week why didnt I do it then. I did not say a word. Last Thursday for one the Tax rebate had not been deposited yet, Plus he was donating plasma and with friends. He is the one home during the day so he needs to be with to make sure I dont make an appointment that will not work for him. I also really dont want to list the house before all the odds and end little touch ups are done but he is getting mad because the to do list keeps getting longer. Actually it is not getting longer it is just that he is not making any progress on them. I would do them but then he gets mad.

Oh did I say I spent thursday cleaning the house and getting things ready for the rummage sale. So I was working on things that need to be done to sell the house but no good girl points for me.

I was planning a Rummage Sale the 28-29 of May but with him wanting the Realtor here already I am going to need to try to hold one earlier which leaves me with three options. Yes over the next 3 Months or 12 weeks I only have 3 weekends were I dont work or have some commitment. I am thinking of holding one on Saturday next weekend and then depending on how that goes the next free weekend I have which is a month later.

I need to sell some of the things we have cluttering up the house before we try to list the house. Also the door in the hallway is still not up because We just ordered it.

I started putting together my online ad, I will post it later I just wanted to get it started. I also printed off some papers I want to use to make some Sale Signs to post on our street and on the house.

I will need to get Cash, I will need to find the grocery bags I have hidden all around the house and find some boxes for stuff that would be better boxed. I also should remind myself to keep the newspaper for packing glass items.

My little boy sounds like a frog, he does not have a fever and only started having a cough this morning so we need to take him into the dr tonight after school. This evening I think we will be knocking out ordering the countertop.

My husband went to job service today and hopefully will figure out what he wants to do soon. I was hoping he would go in and talk to his old employer about getting his part time job back at least until something else comes along but so far other things have come up of course.

Truck runs which means time to WORK!

March 26th, 2010 at 06:50 pm

The truck starts, told Hubby to let it run then turn it off and restart it to check if it is the silonoid. He says it is fine.

I have my fingers crossed BUT I am going to load up the back with the leftover sheetrock scraps and the wood that is garbage and finish cleaning up the rest of the basement.

Now that we have a working truck I am going to have to keep an eye out for deals on river rock so we can finish the border around the house. (Free or cheap is good for me)

Hopefully hubby can figure out an easy way to get rid of the large rock/boulders that are in in yard. I want them removed and am willing to rent a bobcat but hubby doesnt like that idea because he would have to load the rocks into the truck then take the bobcat with to unload them. (Sorry it is not that difficult to drive a bobcat off a trailer then unhook a trailer then use bobcat, hook up trailer then load bobcat); it is not like I am asking him to move them by hand.

As for the large boulder I need to find someone with a jack hammer, hubby says you cant rent one because it has to have a generater to run it. I guess I figured they made gas ones or at least rented them. We will see.

Also now that the truck is running hubby needs to take his car in to be looked at, he says it is making straige noises having to do with wheels. I hope it is not too spendy as I was going to start having us split bills on the 1st of May and I am not sure if he is going to go for paying for the repair all by himself. I was planning on having repairs for the truck split but repairs to our own cars being the responsibility of the driver.

Spending, Spending, Spending

March 24th, 2010 at 02:58 pm

Well, after the hubster tried to poly the door we got to replace the one upstairs it got white specks in spots (this was with a 4 day dry time). So I have given up. I know at this rate it will take a month to get this door up.

My husband is super busying playing Xbox 360 so to have one side of a door have 2 coats of stain and one coat of poly it has taken 10 days, it still needs the sides and the back done.

I called the place that provided the doors to the builder and am having one prestained. I will then have our handy man come back put in the knob hole, install the knob and put in the hinge holes and hinges and hang it. Two weeks from now my special order door will be DONE!! $80 for the door I just ordered

I am waiting for them to call me back with information so that I can order some siding, when the sprinkler system guy put in the system he got too close to the siding and melted two pieces and the corner piece. I need to have the handy man come over and tell me how many pieces total he thinks we will need to order.

Truck, needs a new starter...Hubster was planning on getting a used one, and installing it himself. Went to see if it would start at all and nothing. So he went to the battery place.

The battery was so low that the battery place is going to try to charge it and then they will test it tommorrow after they see IF they can charge it.

Battery or not IT needs a new starter, there is a problem with the sioloniod on the starter (it is one piece with the starter on this model and not seperate) that allows the vehicle to restart after the vehicle is warm. Anyway now my husband thinks it is just the battery; I HATE this (cuss word here) truck.

Anyway either we will be paying for a battery and a starter. Or a battery now and a starter later. But that is tomorrow.

We need to have the truck running in two weeks time so we can pick up the door and also have it to use for other jobs we need to get done to get the house ready for sell.

I should have just called the repair shop and had them tow it in and fix it BUT I thought it would be easier to do once the hubster was home; but I forgot how EVERYTHING is an arguement over who is right with him and that he takes 5X longer than most people to get around to doing something and 10X longer than most people to finishing it.

On a Positive note..A old friend looked me up and they are so workout crazy that it has motivated me to get off my duff and yesterday I got a workout in (6 mile walk in my reebok tone fit shoes). And this morning I took my diet pills. I need to lose 20 pounds my June 1st I should lose 40 pounds but need to lose 20 for work.

The hubster called and his daughter is in town and she wants him to take her out to dinner. He wanted ideas on where to take her, something not expensive but at the same time enjoyable for her age. It is nice now that he has his own spending money because he is alot more aware of his spending and he is trying to make it last. So that is smile worthy.

Work and Bills

March 20th, 2010 at 02:42 pm

Well been out of town for two evenings so far. Before I left I sat down with the husband and told him what he would need to pay, nothing major just his child support payments and sending lunch money for our son. Everything else is on autopayment out of my checking account.

So he is going to get a little taste of paying bills and buying groceries etc.

Not sure how long I will be out of town. We are at a very nice hotel, my only complaint is that this hotel has the worst insolation. Every night at like midnight the people upstairs come in. We can here them walking to the window to turn on the heat then back to the bathroom then back to the bed; then the second one enters the room and goes to the window/bed then to the bathroom and back to the bed.

They are not stomping but they sure are walking heavy heeled. Nothing like having stomp stomp stomp awaken you out of sleep and then having to wait like a half hour for them to stop walking around so we can go back to sleep.

I am currently on the 7am until 7pm shift, as of Monday I will probubly be switching to 7pm until 7am which will be a pain since my roomie is one at 7am until 7pm and will be staying that shift.

I cant wait to get home after this to see how the husband handled the bills and get everything finally totally seperated. Depending on if his checks come in he might have to do some transfering from one account to another so it should be a good learning experience for him.

PLUS he is having to be fulltime daddy and housekeeper only thing to make it better would be if he had to work also (then he would know what my life is like).

I will post if I can later.

Paid the Contractor

March 15th, 2010 at 05:54 pm


My transfer from Savings went through today. Okay it is in a pending status but online it shows it available for useage.

Paid the contractor, came in under budget $400 because he gave us a quote then said he would take off some if we helped with some things. Well we did then he bought some supplies Out of Pocket and we had some supplies left over that we cant return that he is taking off our hands so in the end we came in under budget AND dont have to figure out what to do with all the left over sheetrock and mud which he bought from us.

The best part was that because of it coming under budget that much the savings transfer amount was almost perfect. I can actually use the money from todays paycheck that was going to be the difference between the transfer and the cost to apply to the new countertops.

Was talking to the contractor and he said some things to me that got me thinking and so I relaid those things to my husband (without saying they came from contractor) that will result in much LESS work for him and a much faster finish. Did this to prevent the whole bruised ego thing whenever the contractor suggests stuff, so contractor tells me; then I tell my husband I googled it or someone ELSE said something and then he goes for it with no hurt ego.

The contractors opinion matched mine but I was just going to let my husband do his thing but the contractor saying the doors really did not need another cost of poly is going to save days of work for the hubster.

Big jobs done now just the little stuff

March 15th, 2010 at 01:44 pm

Last night the handiman finished the projects, we had hired him for. Oh man does the kitchen look so much nicer, now with the filler in between the stove and the cabinets and the trim back up against the cabinent bases.

I cant wait to order the NEW countertop. Maybe that will happen tonight or this week. Since my husband needs to be with to schedule the home measurements I cant go without him.

The bad thing is I think I am going to have to ask about countertop removal prices. We asked before but decided to do it ourselves, but now that I think about it, it would be better to just have the people installing do the removal as we then would be without a kitchen counter for less days. (Thinking what if they reschedule). Also what if we damage the counters in the process of removing the countertops. My husband is so not handy, I do a better job, BUT he cant stand me doing it while he is around because it hurts his pride.

Last night as the handy man was fixing some of the jobs my husband had done, I realized it is sometimes so not worth saving $100 or $200 when spending that extra saves alot of work, stress and the finished product is BETTER.

We need to take measurements to get all the heat vent covers. We need to buy a light switch cover or a solid switch cover or possibly both. My Cousin the electrician moved a light switch for us (big happy smile).

We need to caulk the ceilings and do painting upstairs. We can call the RE Agent as soon as the countertop is installed and hopefully the vent covers will be in place. I dont care about the painting and the caulking as I am SURE as she walks around she will come up with other TO DO things but I just want to get started.

Of course the closet doors all need to be sanded and have another coat of poly applied. The hallway door for upstairs NEED everything including sanding to get some flaws out of it before staining. The list of little things is long BUT I am not going to wait on those to get in touch with a RE Agent.

Tonight I need to return some unneeded supplies to the store and then I am going to do 15 minutes of cleaning (washing/folding laundry) and hopefully sweeping and mopping the floors downstairs so we can start cleaning and organizing!

Good news, Bad news, Taxes Drama & craziness PS a little rant

March 12th, 2010 at 03:03 pm

Last night I finished my Taxes! Yea for me, It took hours and finally after all we went for marriage filing jointly one last time. I ran through everything for itemization then at the end it said standard was better so then I figured I would run the information again as if we both were planning to file seperately. Well because of the child credits I desided to just go ahead one last time filing jointly. Next year hopefully I should be filing Single-Head of Household!

The deposit should be in our joint checking account before the end of the month. The good news is this means I should be able to close the joint checking account faster.

I decided to close the account before the house sells and worst case then we will open a joint checking/savings account just for that, deposit the money, withdraw the money, then close the account.

The tax return is close to $5,000 when you combine both federal and state. State we will get 100% of what we paid in back. Federal we got 16% more than we paid in back, never did understate Turbo Taxes tax liability calculations.

We also ended up using the standard deductions, so all the $ and clothing/household goods donations were for nothing except for KARMA points. Oh well at least I got some stuff out of my house AND now I know for this year to just try to sell the extra stuff I dont want to move to an apartment.

Good News: the handiman is coming on Sunday to finish the work, he should finish Monday at the Lastest. The Bad news is this has Pissed off my husband because he thinks this has ruined his long weekend because now instead of (spending qualitiy time - HA) playing computer games with our son he has to be working (staining the doors that are going to be installed.

My husband is SUCH a drama Queen also he is so lazy, I cant wait for this to be done!!! He is in a tizzy and told me to tell our handiman that he works for us and not the otherway around and He is going to have to do it later. Yeah right, the handiman knows my husband and knows you have to light a fire under his bottom to get him to move. Also if we reschedule we are putting finishing off the house for another month or so. NO I am not about to piss off the handiman so that he quits then we are up a creak trying to find someone else to come in a finsh these small project and charging us 10X as much.

PS did I mention that the handiman is doing this as a favor to me because he knows I am a hard worker and that we (okay I) am trying to sell the house BEFORE the divorce so that is one less thing to fight over. My husband will not let me have the house free and clear and I will not take on this Mortgage if I have to pay him a share of the escrow. You never really know what a house is worth until it sells so we will sell it and split the profits then that is one less thing to pay the lawyers to iron out. I think the house might be worth 209K he thinks it is worth 259K (large difference in escrow value).

Today I need to transfer the money from the joint savings account to the joint checking so I can pay the handiman come Sunday. So I get to close that account also! Whooot Whooot!!

Transfered the funds (but since I did it online they need to wait 24 hours before they can close the account to Make sure the $ gets to the new account. (Saturday afternoon I could do this but I think I will just wait until Monday)

My husband called he is going to the hardware store and going to buy a set of saw horses like I suggested then get cracking on the staining so it is done in time and QUOTE "Blank can come do the job and then I never have to see him in my house again!" (My husband is all worked up over nothing) He wants to make donuts and play computer games with our Son, it takes maybe 30 minutes to apply the stain then you have to wait to recoat; there will be plenty of time for him to play computer games and cook donuts.

House is getting closer. Storage Unit Question.

March 11th, 2010 at 04:11 pm

The night before last, our handyman came over and installed the shelving and hanger rods in the two bedrooms and the bathroom.

Today he might be back (waiting on my husband to finish staining) to trim out the closets.

It is getting closer. Once he is done with the things we hired him to do we need to.
#1 Caulk the ceilings
#2 Paint over the caulking
#3 Paint the walls
#4 Have the countertop installed
#5 Fill nail holes in the trim downstairs
Then I think we are ready to clean and list the house.

I do not want to rent an apartment until the house is sold (we can move in temporarily with family if need be). I also have found three apartments that sound like I would be happy with, I have bookmarked the listings but have not seen them as it seems pointless to see them until we atleast list the house.

Now since I do not want to pay rent on an apartment until the house sells. Should I rent a storage unit, so I can go through things and sort into his/mine and start trying to sell stuff we no longer need (three TVs when DH wants a NEW flatscreen HGTV).

Right now the house is way too messy to list and I feel a rental would be a way to go but then I feel it is such a waste since we are downsizing maybe we should be able to get everything packed up nicely and stored in our house. Once the two bedroom closets are done downstairs we could put stuff in those closets. Would it sell better empty of stored things or would storing them in a storeage unit besides costing money make it look too empty? We do have a Storage room (Without shelving).

CC canceled and joint savings pondered

March 5th, 2010 at 02:31 pm

Yesterday I found the hubsters two credit cards.

The Capital one card that I have been wanting him to cancel and the other one with a rewards balance on it.

He canceled the Capital One Card....Wahoo one more thing done on the split the finances checklist and he activated the other CC.

I had planned to cancel the joint saving account after the house is sold BUT I am thinking that it is kind of pointless. Yes it is nice to have the repairs money in a savings account but I am thinking that at the start of next month I am going to cancel the savings account and just move the money into the joint checking but move it to the back of the register so it is in there to pay the bills as they come due BUT they are not in there to be spent willy nilly If you get what I mean.

The reason for next month is that is when he no longer gets income from his former employer so we will need to start using that savings money anyway.

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