Home > Spending recap! 309.66 left for Sept

Spending recap! 309.66 left for Sept

September 6th, 2010 at 06:01 pm

375.11 Starting Balance Spending Money for September

Over all the spending has been very minimual. I have not stepped foot into a store except if I had to, so doing well.

On Sept 3rd on the way home from work my gas tank was on e so I really could not put it off any longer. Fill up was $31.90. I am kind of excited now that I am tracking my spending here to figure out what my monthly gas costs are.

Then before I picked my son up from after school care I stopped at the grocery store.
4 loaves Bread 5.12
1 bag pretzel sticks 1.48
Batteries for my scale $3.50
Spread 1.83
Grape Jelly 1.47
Total 13.61
The bread will last for 12 weekdays, the pretzel sticks was for my son at school and afterschool care, the batteries; now that was painful. I wanted generic but the smallest pack was 15 batteries for $6.00. The $3.50 was for Duracell and was a 4 pack. I use rechargable batteries but I have noticed that they are a bit bigger than the regular kind and sometimes they do not work in some items (My scale being one of them). Another thing is remember my $5 per week wiggle room well that almost got me into trouble. I was looking at the jelly and the difference between the grape and strawberry is $1.20 not that big of deal except I am trying to be extremely frugle. I almost told myself use the cushion and buy the strawberry jelly but then I got real.

$14.84 A video game for DS (long story - he had his heart set on a dog from the pound and I have yet again said we have to wait so the video game was a consalation prize because I was oooooh so close to caving and getting him the dog). It meet all the rules I had set forth, it was a pound animal which means it would be put to sleep if someone did not adopt it (ie not a pet store or breeder animal). It was one of the 4 breeds of dogs that I love. And I cant remember the third rule right now but it met it. I just could not bring myself to adopt. It was not the extra normal costs involved because IF I had to eat PB&J for lunch for the next 10 years to afford the food and vet care for the dog I would it was what to do with the dog when I cant care for it. It would have to go to a doggy daycare and that is $24 per day two years ago I was out of town for 5 weeks. That would get expensive quick.

$5.10 donuts (part two of the make it up the DS about the dog).

So it is now the 6th of September and we are basically a week into the month. So far I am doing good on spending if I say so myself. Tonight we are going to my cousins husbands birthday party, I need to locate the birthday cards I have stashed somewhere in the house. They are cooking chili so free food and I can remind her that this weekend I have to work.

309.66 Remaining Spending for Sept

Daycare $100 so really $209.66 So basically $69.00 a week. Which if I stay at the rate I am going I will have extra this month to start goals not even having to wait until next month.

1 Responses to “Spending recap! 309.66 left for Sept”

  1. nmboone Says:

    Must have been hard for your son not to get the dog when he had his heart set on it. I hope that eventually you can figure out a good time to get one. And that's so great that you insist on it being a pound dog! The one I just got a couple of months ago was too and he's wonderful!

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