Home > Need to save for a vacation, $$ related but lots of personal undertones

Need to save for a vacation, $$ related but lots of personal undertones

June 14th, 2010 at 12:52 pm

So my Workout Buddy is planning to go to Vegas in August, he parents and uncles/aunts were going to go and meet some radio personality and him and his brother were going to go relax and maybe do a little skydiving.

BUT He has not locked anything in yet. He was planning the end of August and asked if I might be interested in tagging along; but that would not work for me since Mid August school starts. I told him if it was sooner I might be convinced to join him.

Well his answer was that the trip was not in stone yet and if earlier would workout better, an earlier trip could be arranged. How Sweet is that.

Okay so my Workout buddy has many friends in the airline business, so he can get buddy passes, we just have to get to Denver. So I need to start saving for the trip that I want to take; that he said he could arrange buddy passes for.

My plan is July-August (Workout daily, watch food intake, increase water intake) Goal Be down to my 143 pound goal fitting into my favorite swim suit.

Reward: Vegas 3 day trip early August

Sept 18th: Run 1st 5K race

Get a Passport!

Reward for 5K race, Getting fit and trim and My Birthday (Nov): Trip to cancun (buddy ticket) in November which he says would be the best time to go as it is not during spring break and that time of year it is more people our age on vacationing there.

I need to look into the price of tickets to vegas...We have super cheap flights to vegas from my city as we have one airline that just does vegas so I am thinking $100-$150. I then will need $ for food. I am thinking either I will be crashing on the couch in their room (unless the brother is claiming the couch) or will crash on the floor. After all the carpeted floor will probubly be softer than a rocky ground you would get camping.

As for my Birthday trip:
I need a passport
I need Ticket to Denver
I need Hotel $
I need Food $
He has been to cancun 4 times so I am going to find out from him the average he usually spends on food and hotel so I can ball park the savings I will need.

I am not looking for a romantic relationship. We are friends! And if it were to get serious I would require a 2 year dating time line before a 2 year engagement time. With my Ex if I would have done this I would have known we did not make a good couple. Also IF I was ever talk about get married I would make sure it was a church wedding with both of us attending the required pre-marriage classes and us attending a dave ramsey course before wedding planning.

I have been in a marriage that basically was two people sharing living space for at least 5 years so I guess in my mind I dont feel the need for 100% 24/7 Me Only time. Also we are friends, we chit chat and he understands that; we were talking about something and he said "if we were to date in the future" so I know he gets that I am not looking for anything more than a Workout Buddy and a good friend at this time.

3 Responses to “Need to save for a vacation, $$ related but lots of personal undertones”

  1. Apprentice Bliss Hunter Says:

    Hi - Me again ! :-) Sorry if I'm coming across as all negative and all - I really don't mean to. I'm just thinking of it as a Man would - we do think differently from women in whole friend/dating thing.

    I really hope you have a great vacation and loads of fun.

    If this guy has had a crush on you for 2 years and is now going to spend more time with you, be in no doubt that in the short to medium term (this year sometime) he will make a move. Hell he should. I would. I mean if he really likes you as a person. We know already that he finds you attractive.

    The going to the movies thing, vacation thing is a thing us men do to build up enough comfort with a woman before we make our move. I just don't think it's realistic that you two will be like platonic friends for ever and he won't ever make a move. Don't treat him like a girlfriend-friend if you understand me. Treat him like the gentleman-friend he is with potential of something more.

    Wishing you lots of luck !

  2. jewels3 Says:

    I agree with Apprentice Bliss Hunter. I'm not a but the fact that he's rearranging his trip to accommodate you, and talked about "if we were to date in the future", to me it sounds like he's sending feelers out.

  3. LittleMsMom Says:

    Not sure what to say in reponse, just Thanks for the comments.

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