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$$$ Thinking about joining a gym

June 13th, 2010 at 04:09 pm

I am thinking about joining a gym. Which means a monthly added cost to my budget.

The thing is I found a workout buddy, If I workout with them I either need a membership where they have one or pay $7 per visit to the YMCA. So far I canceled once with them (did not want to pay $7) and once I suggested a walk (see below) after they had completed their YMCA workout.

I am not really liking the YMCAs hours for Daycare as workout buddy needs to workout before or after work and so before work would be fine ( my work will give me the time to workout during my shift) but after work would be a problem as the daycare ends at 7:30pm on Mon-Thurs and is not available Fri-Sun, and they do not work out until 9pm if they workout after.

I was thinking of a second or third option...Option 3 allows 1 guest per visit so I could get the membership and it would cost my workout partner nothing. I need to check into their daycare times though. The only downside is that they have not pool.

WE walked 10 Miles yesterday together and I walked 3 miles by myself while they were at the YMCA, I also took 2 loads of boxes out of storage. I was very happy with the scale this morning as a result. 168.8!!!! I am back under 170. Only 25 pounds to go to goal.

My workout buddy MIGHT run the 5K with me in September. It depends because they cringed when I told them there was a $25 -$30 entry fee if they registered before the end of the month. Also not sure if they will want to run with me or run at their top speed. So maybe I will just see them at the finish line as they run at a faster pace then I do.

My XH was suppose to go to the cities to look at an apartment yesterday but desided to go camping instead. He is now planning on going this weekend. I have to work saturday so I hope he plans to take our son with him as I will not be availble to watch DS.

Some time this week I NEED to get my ducks in a row and get the quit claim completed. I need to deposit more money into the account that I am going to be using to cut the check to XH.

I was reminded that I really need to set up an appointment with the dentist and my girly doctor. So I might have another monthly bill to add to my budget. I am not sure if that type of prescription is covered at the 100% rate or if I am going to have the the $3 or $13 per 3 months mail-order-pharmacy rate.

Tonight, right after work I am planning on having subway for dinner with my workout Buddy, then going for another walk but only 6.4 miles this time.

It is funny because I have told people I walked for 13 miles last night and they are all like NO WAY. But once I tell them the 10 miles took 3 hours then they are like okay I can see that.

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