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How much is your SANITY worth $$$$$

June 1st, 2010 at 04:47 pm

So XH got back from his out of town party with friends.

He of course gets upset right away when I ask him to make sure his feet are clean before walking on the NEW carpet. The old carpet was dirty and that is why we had to spend $500 to replace it so people would stop complaining about the carpet.

Well before the trip I was working on the rock border and he was painting the upstiars. Well while he was gone I finished the rock border. I have a stiff neck, sunburned arms, and 4 days I will never get back to show for it BUT it is done.

Today when he called me at work to find out if I called the realtor I mentioned the painting. He still needs to paint the hallway and the two bathrooms. (The bedrooms should also be done but they are not BAD). His answer was to swear at me then hang up the phone. I really dont get the sell it two months ago attitude but yet I am doing all the work to get it ready to show.

I have called the realtor so far today twice. I will talk to her today BEFORE 9pm. I want to find out about the comments during the last open house. I also plan to reduce the price we are asking.

It is costing me 1500.00 in housing payments for each additional month we are on the market because XH has not money and now he is getting hystrical because in a month he will not have enough to pay his child support in full. (Humm maybe he should work instead of taking vacations or get a fulltime job).

We are talking of dropping our list price. I am thinking about 10K but it might be 15K just to get a QUICK bite. XH wants to drop it to 200K but then in the same sentence he says he wants a small amount of money so he can move and start living his life. We might end up at the 15K drop which would be 199K but It scares me a bit because then the offers are going to be below that price and I know XH is going to be a pain in the BUTT when he doesnt have much to move forward.

I talked to the realtor and off course now a third realtor has repeated that our house is great but it is not selling. Now the word is the house is COLD. The new homes we are up against are staged and painted a warm browny/tan and we have near white walls.

The realtor knows some stagers and hopefully they can come over tomorrow to look at the house. Of course I knew this needed to be done and any painting suggested is going to have to be hired out (XH is lazy but at end of rope). When I told him the house might need to be painted a warmer color he flipped out and said he cant afford any more house expenses. I am really getting sick of him saying that because I am the one footing all the bills.

Oh well how much is my sanity worth, is it worth dropping my house price by 15K and paying out of pocket 1K for painting and ??? 1K for furnature and decorations to warm up the place.

Sadly I just wish we would have priced the house lower to start with. I was thinking based on pricing that would should have been at 206K to start. If we would have started there then took of 5K for the deck allowance we might have sold faster and it would not be JUNE and still not sold the house.

5 Responses to “How much is your SANITY worth $$$$$”

  1. creditcardfree Says:

    Houses in our area, with similar prices are sitting quite awhile, too. It's hard to be patient when you are ready to move on. Good luck!

  2. MonkeyMama Says:

    Around here, anything priced $199k enters bidding war territory. The $199k feels so much cheaper psychologically. (For homes worth $200k - none have sold for less than 200k).

    I'd take the advice of your realtor re: your market, but I'd be inclined to price it $199k and just be done with it!

    We've all seen those homeowners a bit behind the curve. By the time they feel up to lowering it $5k, the home prices have lowered another $5k-$10k. It's a losing battle.

    I'd just drop the price. If it doesn't sell fast, consider the paint/furniture/decorations. I'd give it a couple of weeks at $199k, though.

  3. MonkeyMama Says:

    Just to be clear - we have a ton homes here priced just above $200k that has just been sitting forever. $199k brings out the crazy in people, for whatever reason! Big Grin Good buying crazy!

  4. rob62521 Says:

    Your original question, what is your sanity worth? I would said far more than the $1K...price that house to sell and get that off your back so you can continue with your other goals. Hope it all works out well for you.

  5. whitestripe Says:

    good luck, the above suggestions sound good. things always seem cheaper when it ends in .99 doesn't it?
    ($19.99 instead of $20.00...?) lol. hope that everything hurries up so yuo can move on with your life!

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